Running sFlow-RT with Traffic Sentinel

This tutorial describes the steps to run the real-time analytics platform sFlow-RT on a server that is already running Traffic Sentinel.

1. Install sFlow-RT package

Install sFlow-RT from rpm or debian package so that it appears under /usr/local/sflow-rt/

sudo yum install sflow-rt-3.1-1713.noarch.rpm
sudo systemctl enable sflow-rt

2. Configure sFlow-RT

In /usr/local/sflow-rt/conf.d/sflow-rt.conf, uncomment the setting for sflow.port and set it to 6344, and uncomment the setting for http.hostname.

# listen for sFlow on UDP port 6344
# only accept connections from localhost

Install one or more of the sFlow-RT apps:

sudo /usr/local/sflow-rt/ sflow-rt browse-metrics
sudo /usr/local/sflow-rt/ sflow-rt browse-flows

3. Start sFlow-RT

sudo systemctl restart sflow-rt

4. Forward sFlow from Traffic Sentinel

In the Sentinel UI under File>Forwarding>Flows, enable an entry to send sFlow from agent= (all agents) to on port 6344.

5. Add sFlow-RT Apache config

Starting with the example on the sFlow-RT downloads page, add the apache config to reverse-proxy everything under /sflow-rt/ to sFlow-RT, and add access-control policy there. For example if only clients in should see sFlow-RT then this goes in /etc/httpd/conf.d/sflow-rt.conf.

<IfModule mod_proxy.c>
  ProxyRequests off
  ProxyVia off
  ProxyPass        /sflow-rt/ retry=0 timeout=5
  ProxyPassReverse /sflow-rt/
  <IfModule mod_headers.c>
    RequestHeader append X-Forwarded-Prefix "/sflow-rt/"
<Location /sflow-rt/>
    Require ip

6. Reload Apache

sudo systemctl reload httpd

You should now be able to access sFlow-RT under the /sflow-rt/ URL (while Traffic Sentinel is still under the /inmsf/ URL). By default when you connect to the server you are redirected to /inmsf/.

See Getting Started for more information on sFlow-RT.