Forwarding Traffic Sentinel Events to a Slack or Rocket.Chat Channel
How to send Traffic Sentinel events to a chat window.
Create Slack App with Incoming Webhook
The steps are:
- Sign in to your Slack Workspace and create a new channel, "sentinel-events".
- Visit and click to build a new app, "sentinel-event-app".
- Activate the Incoming Webhook for the app and associate it with the new channel.
- Test the "Hello, World" example given.
- Now you can use the resulting Webhook URL below.
Use Slack Webhook URL with Traffic Sentinel event script
Edit global.prefs (File>Configure>Edit>Edit Files>global.prefs) and add settings:
eventScript="eventHookSlack" eventHookURL="YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL_HERE" eventHookServer="SENTINEL_SERVER_NAME_OR_IP_HERE"
For example, if your Traffic Sentinel server can be reached at, the settings will look something like this:
eventScript="eventHookSlack" eventHookURL="://" eventHookServer=""
Rocket Chat example
If your team uses Rocket.Chat instead, the steps are similar. Follow the instructions to add an Incoming Webhook and use it in global.prefs like this:
eventScript="eventHookRocketChat" eventHookURL="ROCKET_CHAT_INCOMING_WEBHOOK_HERE" eventHookServer=""
Further Customization
To modify the scripts you can find them under /usr/local/inmsf/scripts/ and copy to another name not under package control. Alternatively, you can use the general purpose eventHook script like this:
eventScript="eventHook" eventHookURL="https://localhost/inmsf/Q/eventHook.js"
And then add a new File>REST script called eventHook.js. It will be called with the parameters of each event. This makes it easier to merge additional information before sending on to the chat channel. Here is an example:
// author: administrator // description: forward threshold events to Slack // date: 2/7/20 // version: 1.0 // resultFormat: txt // inputs: timestamp,server,severity,type,name,value,agent,port,url,comment,id // authClients:,::1 if(type=="threshold" && severity=="severe") { var n = Network.current(); n.path = agent; var text = name + " = " + value + " : " + n.displayName() + " (" + + " > " + + ")"; var url = "https://" + n.serverName() + "/inmsf/Events?action=id&id=" + id; var msg = { attachments: [ { fallback: text, actions: [ { type:"button", text: text, url: url } ] } ] } var result = runcmd(["curl", "-q", "-X", "POST","-H", "Content-type:", "application/json", "--data", JSON.stringify(msg), "" ]); if(result.status != 0) println(JSON.stringify(result, null, 2)); }
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