Chapter 3. Charts

Table of Contents

3.1. Selecting the switch and interface to analyse
3.2. Chart types
3.2.1. Interface counter charts Using the legend to view one interface counter statistic
3.2.2. Top N traffic charts Understanding the Top N traffic chart Using the legend to drilldown on specific traffic Filtering for specific traffic
3.3. Changing the time selection
3.3.1. Using custom time selection

The Charts tab displays charts showing how network traffic varies over time.

This tab includes a control bar that allows you to select the switch and interface for which you would like to analyse and view traffic data, and the type of chart to display.

3.1. Selecting the switch and interface to analyse

To view data on network traffic flowing through a specific switch, use the Switch selector in the control bar to select the switch that you are interested in. The Switch selector lists the switches that have been included in the sFlowTrend-Pro configuration, or that sFlowTrend-Pro is receiving sFlow data from (see Section 6.1, “Configuring switches in sFlowTrend-Pro” for details on configuring switches in sFlowTrend-Pro). A switch is listed using its SNMP IP address, sFlow agent address, DNS Name or sysName (see Section 6.2.1, “Setting the switch and interface naming policy”).

Switches shown in italics in the selection list are disabled, meaning that data is not being stored for these switches. If the currently selected switch is enabled, click the button to disable this switch. If the currently selected switch is disabled, click the button to enable this switch. Multiple switches can be enabled in sFlowTrend-Pro, whilst sFlowTrend allows one switch to be enabled at a time. Changing the switch selection causes a chart for the newly selected switch to be displayed.

To view data on network traffic flowing through a specific interface, use the Interface selector in the control bar to select the interface that you are interested in. The Interface selector lists the interfaces for the currently selected switch, for which sFlow data is being received and stored. An interface is listed using its ifIndex, ifDescr, IfName, or ifAlias. (see Section 6.2.1, “Setting the switch and interface naming policy”). Changing the interface selection causes a chart for the newly selected interface to be displayed.

The Interface selector also contains an option All. Selecting this option allows you to view traffic flows through the whole switch (across all interfaces). This option is not available if the current chart selection is set to Counters or Utilization, since these charts can only display data for a single interface.