6.2. Options

Select the ToolsOptions menu item to customise various aspects of sFlowTrend-Pro.

6.2.1. Setting the switch and interface naming policy

Use the ToolsOptions menu item, View tab, to tell sFlowTrend-Pro how you would like your switches and their interfaces to be displayed.

Switches can be displayed using one of the following options:

SNMP IP address
The IP address that sFlowTrend-Pro uses to communicate with the switch via SNMP
sFlow agent address
The IP address that is used by the sFlow agent on the switch to uniquely identify the switch.
DNS name
The domain name obtained from the reverse DNS lookup of the SNMP IP address of the switch. If the reverse DNS lookup fails, the SNMP IP address will be used instead.
The SNMP sysName obtained from the SNMP MIB. If sFlowTrend-Pro cannot communicate with the switch using SNMP (see Section 7.1.6, “sFlowTrend-Pro cannot communicate with the switch using SNMP”), then SNMP IP address will be used instead.

If the SNMP IP address or the sFlow agent address option is chosen, the switches will be listed in numerical order in the Switch selector in the Charts and Interfaces tabs. For other options, the switches will be listed in alpha-numeric order, even if an IP address is shown because the name is not available.

Interfaces can be displayed using one of the following options:

The integer that the switch uses to uniquely identify the interface.
The friendly name assigned to the interface, identifying the card/slot. For example A1, ethernet1/1. If sFlowTrend-Pro cannot communicate with the switch using SNMP (see Section 7.1.6, “sFlowTrend-Pro cannot communicate with the switch using SNMP”), then the ifIndex will be used instead.
A string administratively assigned to the interface often giving useful information about its purpose. For example "Connection to servers". If sFlowTrend-Pro cannot communicate with the switch using SNMP (see Section 7.1.6, “sFlowTrend-Pro cannot communicate with the switch using SNMP”), or the ifAlias is not assigned, then ifIndex will be used instead.

If the ifIndex option is chosen, the interfaces will be listed in numerical order in the Interface selector in the Charts tab. For other options, the interfaces will be listed in alpha-numeric order, even if the ifIndex is shown because the name is not available.

6.2.2. Configuring global SNMP settings

Select the ToolsOptions menu item, SNMP tab to configure the SNMP community string which will be used for all switches. This community string will be used when querying switches for the friendly names for the switches and interfaces. It will also be used as the read/write community string when sFlowTrend-Pro uses SNMP to configure a switch to send sFlow

This global setting can be explicitly overridden for a specific switch (see Section 6.1, “Configuring switches in sFlowTrend-Pro”).

6.2.3. Configuring advanced options

Select the ToolsOptions menu item, Advanced tab to view and configure some less commonly used settings:

sFlow collector address
This selection list allows you to select the network interface and associated IP address on the system running sFlowTrend-Pro that will be used to receive sFlow. If you are using a CLI to configure sFlow on your switches, make sure that you use the selected IP address as the destination or collector address for sFlow when you configure the switch (see Section A.1, “Configuring switches to send sFlow”).
sFlow UDP port
This allows you to change the UDP port that sFlowTrend-Pro will listen on to receive sFlow. If you are using a CLI to configure sFlow on your switches, make sure that you configure the switch to send sFlow to this UDP port (see Section A.1, “Configuring switches to send sFlow”).
sFlowTrend home directory
This allows you to change the directory used by sFlowTrend-Pro to store traffic data and custom configuration information. If you change the home directory, all currently saved traffic data and custom configuration information will be lost. sFlowTrend-Pro must be restarted for the change to take effect.
Resolve IP addresses to hostnames in charts
Tick this checkbox if you would like the Charts and Thresholds tabs to use DNS names instead of IP addresses for hosts.
Restore warnings
Ticking this checkbox will cause sFlowTrend-Pro to display warnings asking you to confirm actions, for example when deleting switches or when exiting sFlowTrend-Pro. When these warnings are shown, you can ask sFlowTrend-Pro not to show these warnings again. This checkbox can be used to restore the behaviour of showing warnings.