8.3. Custom configuration

Some custom configuration is possible through the use of the sFlowTrend-Pro properties file. Modifying this is only recommended for advanced users. The file must be editing using a standard text editor, and sFlowTrend-Pro must be restarted before any of the changes will take effect.

The properties file is called config.prp, and it is located in the sFlowTrend-Pro data directory (which can be identified and changed through the sFlowTrend-Pro ToolsOptions menu selection). If the config.prp file does not exist in this directory, then it must first be created.

The file is organised as a series of lines, where each line is of the form:

propertyName = value

For example,

chart.topn = 8

would change the number of entries in a top-n to 8. Note that all properties and values must be entered exactly as specified. Some of the properties that can be modified using the properties file are:

Controls how many entries are displayed in each top-n chart (ie the value of n). The default value is 5.
Controls how many hours of data will be stored in the database, before being flushed. This number can be reduced from the default of 168 (1 week), if the database is getting too large.
The default value for this setting is true. In this case, sFlowTrend-Pro will automatically enable and start collecting data from the first n switches that it receives unsolicited (command line configured) sFlow from, where n is the maximum number of switches allowed by the software license. To control manually which switches are enabled, set this value to false.

If sFlowTrend-Pro is configuring the switches using SNMP to send sFlow, sFlowTrend-Pro will use this value to configure the sampling rate for all interfaces of the given ifSpeed. The default values are:

sflowtrend.samplingRate.medium = 128
sflowtrend.samplingRate.10.medium = 128
sflowtrend.samplingRate.100.medium = 256
sflowtrend.samplingRate.1000.medium = 512
sflowtrend.samplingRate.10000.medium = 1024

For example

sflowtrend.samplingRate.100.medium = 256

tells sFlowTrend-Pro to configure all interfaces with an ifSpeed of 100 Mb/s with a sampling rate of 1 in 256. The value for sflowtrend.samplingRate.medium is used by sFlowTrend-Pro when configure an interface with an ifSpeed for which a sampling rate has not been specified. For example with the default sampling rate settings, an interface with an ifSpeed of 1Mb/s would be configured with a sampling rate of 1 in 128.

Set this to the value false to stop the web server being started when sFlowTrend-Pro runs. Disabling the web server also disables the ability to integrate sFlowTrend-Pro with other applications.
The TCP port that the web server will listen on. This default value is 8087.
By default, this setting is true, which means that the web server only responds to localhost. It is a good idea to restrict the web server like this to avoid any security issues. However, if you desire any host to be able to access the web server, then set this to false.