Chapter 9. Reference

Table of Contents

9.1. Menu reference

9.1. Menu reference

This section contains a reference for each of the menu selections in sFlowTrend-Pro.

FileStart/stop playback
sFlowTrend-Pro has the ability to read saved sFlow data from a file, as well as live from an sFlow switch. Start/stop playback allows you to select the file and start playback, or stop a previously started playback. The main purpose for this feature is to allow demonstrations of the capability of sFlow. The file used for playback should contain sFlow datagrams in PCAP format (eg captured by wireshark™ or tcpdump). When the file is played back, the sFlow samples will be consumed by sFlowTrend-Pro in real time, not at the time the file was saved.
Terminates sFlowTrend-Pro. As well as closing the sFlowTrend-Pro window, this also stops collection of sFlow data. If any switches were configured through SNMP, sFlowTrend-Pro will attempt to disable the sending of sFlow to sFlowTrend-Pro from these switches before exiting.
ToolsConfigure switches
Brings up the Configure switches dialog, to allow switches to be added and removed from sFlowTrend-Pro, SNMP settings changed, etc. See Section 6.1, “Configuring switches in sFlowTrend-Pro”.
Brings up the Options dialog, to allow sFlowTrend-Pro options to be changed. See Section 6.2, “Options”.
Shows the contents of the on-line help in a new window.
Help Help on current view
Shows help for the current tab being viewed in sFlowTrend-Pro.
Help Point and click help
Changes the mouse cursor to a help pointer , and then allows you to click anywhere within the sFlowTrend-Pro window. Instead of the mouse click having its usual effect, context sensitive help will be displayed for the part of the window that was clicked.
HelpAbout sFlowTrend-Pro
Shows information about sFlowTrend-Pro, including the version number.
HelpHelp on the web
Opens a web browser and views the sFlowTrend-Pro on-line help from the web.
HelpsFlowTrend-Pro home page
Opens a web browser and views the sFlowTrend-Pro home page.