1.4. Getting help

You can use the built-in help in sFlowTrend-Pro to get on-line and context-sensitive help. Three options are available from the Help menu:

Shows the contents of the on-line help in a new window.
Help Help on current view
Shows help for the current tab being viewed in sFlowTrend-Pro.
Help Point and click help
Changes the mouse cursor to a help pointer , and then allows you to click anywhere within the sFlowTrend-Pro window. Instead of the mouse click having its usual effect, context sensitive help will be displayed for the part of the window that was clicked.

In addition, you can press the F1 key to get help on the current view, in most situations.

If you have trouble with getting sFlowTrend-Pro to work correctly, please refer to Chapter 7, Troubleshooting and frequently asked questions. If you still need help, please submit a support request at the InMon Corp. customer portal (http://www.myinmon.com).

For sales requests, please send an email to .