1.2. About sFlow

sFlow® is an industry standard technology for monitoring traffic in computer networks. The sFlow standard is designed and maintained by the industry group (http://www.sflow.org). Unlike other monitoring technologies, it is very efficient, and so can be used in modern high-speed networks. It also operates at layer two in the network, which means that switched as well as routed traffic can be monitored. Because the overhead of running sFlow on a network is low, it is recommended that sFlow is enabled on as many switch ports as possible in a network. This allows as complete a picture as possible of the traffic to be created. sFlowTrend-Pro helps you automatically configure sFlow on all interfaces, where possible.

sFlow is supported by most network switch manufacturers. An up-to-date list is maintained at http://www.sflow.org/products/network.php. Even if some of the switches in a network do not support sFlow, because most traffic transits several points in the network, good information on traffic can still be obtained.