The Logs page provides access to internal Traffic Sentinel files that can help a customer engineer troubleshoot problems.
How do I navigate the files?
First select a Path in the filter bar to display files within a particular product directory. The table displays files and directories. Directories are indicated by bold text. Click on a directory to see a list of the files it contains. Click on a file to see its contents.
When you drill down, the file path is shown in the filter bar. Click on parent directories in the path to return to previous levels.
How do I download a copy of a file?
When you are viewing the contents of a file a Download link will appear to the right of the file path. Click on this link to download a copy of the file. Downloading a file allows you to attach it to a support request.
How do I edit configuration files?
The only user modifiable files are in the etc/config path (i.e. set Path to etc/config). In particular, the following files are most likely to be edited:
- global.prefs, see Are there any other configuration settings available? and How can I get events sent by email, RSS, SNMP traps or logged using syslog?
- protocols.txt, see Can I change the names associated with protocols?
- protocolPriorities.txt, see How do I ensure clients and servers are correctly identified?
- protocolGroups.txt, see How can I group similar protocols together?
- asInfo.txt, a file mapping BGP as numbers to names.
- vendors.txt, a file mapping Ethernet vendor codes to names.
The files global.prefs, protocolGroup.txt and protocolPriorities.txt are small and can be edited directly through the web interface through the Edit File form. Simply edit the file contents in the form and click Submit to change the file.
Another option for updating files is to use the file Upload form at the top of the page. Enter the location of a file on your PC and click on the Submit button to upload the file, replacing the version of the file on Traffic Sentinel.