2.4. Notes on installing sFlowTrend-Pro on Linux

After completing the installation of sFlowTrend-Pro on Linux, the sFlowTrend-Pro service will be created automatically (as /etc/init.d/sflowtrend-server) and started. The service will also be registered to automatically start when the system is booted, using chkconfig. This is only possible for Linux distributions that use the chkconfig command. Some distributions use other methods for starting services automatically. If the Linux that you are using does not use chkconfig, then you should enter the /etc/init.d/sflowtrend-server service manually as a service to be started at boot time.

If you are installing sFlowTrend-Pro on a system which does not have a graphical user interface, you can either install using a package (see Section 2.1.2, “Installing with a Debian or RPM package”), or using the interactive installer but with a terminal interface. To do this, add the command line option -c to the installer, eg: # /bin/sh installer -c. This will step through the same installation steps that are used for the graphical installer, just using a terminal interface. Please take care to enter the data correctly, as the command line interface is more difficult to use than the graphical interface.